Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Final Blog Post/Late/Make up assignment! - Bella Pizzo - Feminism and War

In "Feminism and War" by Mohanty, Pratt, and Riley, they critique the institution of war through a feminist lens. They assert that in the past, and still today, women have been used as motivation and justification for US war, and that is a sexist and racist idealogy.

Looking specifically at the US occupation of many countries in the Middle East, we can clearly see women as justification in two different ways: save these "poor brown women" and uplift our "strong white women back home" creating a dichotomy between "us" and "them" that is actually non-existent and unnecessary. Women in the Middle East are victimized and pitied, specifically in countries where women commonly wear headscarves or practice religious beliefs that are misunderstood by Americans. They are explained to American women as the truly oppressed people, who need to be saved by military invasion. This justifies feminists who believe in war.

But is war feminist? I do not believe so. After reading this piece, and others like it, I do not believe war is a feminist act. These women do not need to be saved by Americans. No one needs to be saved by Americans, and these women are taking care of each other and themselves. War makes money and fear, which is exactly what the rich oppressors in America want. Women have historically been silenced and controlled, especially brown and Black women, which makes this silencing controlling almost seem natural and expected.

I see this taking place on the news very often...but also in Feminist spaces. Online, white women activists will argue over whether wearing headscarves is sexist...when it literally is none of their business. White women love to discuss the kind of feminism that other women should abide by, not realizing that they are trying to control these women as well.

I do not believe in the concept of virginity, I think it is slut-shaming and incredibly toxic, but I genuinely enjoy the photo I have attached here. I will never understand the logic behind invading a country and claiming it is for "peace." It is like yelling at my daughter to be quiet, being mean to her so that she will be nice, etc...it makes no sense. America makes no sense.

I am really glad this class helped me put down more roots in the anti-war movement, and I cannot wait to share all of these readings with my family and friends.